Starting a Women in Science Chapter at Emory


Kerry-Ann Pinard, a College sophomore and NBB Major, is organizing a meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 26th (6pm, Atwood 316), for students interested in starting a chapter of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS) at Emory. According to Kerry-Ann:

AWIS is a national organization dedicated to achieving equity and full participation for women in science, mathematics, engineering and technology (STEM). With the ever growing number of bright, young female minds pursuing education and careers in STEM at Emory University, the need for a local chapter also grows. The Emory chapter of AWIS will serve as a constant support system for the women in STEM as well as be an invaluable resource connecting them to opportunities involving research, shadowing, mentorship, and community outreach that may otherwise have been hard to obtain.

Contact Kerry-Ann for more information.

New Emory Class about Violence against Women


A new course — the first of its kind in the U.S. — is being taught at Emory in the spring. “Male Intimate Partner Violence Against Women” is based on the “community-accountability model” of Men Stopping Violence (MSV), which asserts that while individuals are responsible for their violent behavior, communities share responsibility for the problem as well as the solution.

The course will be taught by MSV Associate Director Ulester Douglas, who has decades of experience counseling and training individuals, families and communities affected by violence.  Though focused on examining masculinity and men’s roles in ending violence against women, the course is open to all genders.

The Emory-MSV Initiative is a unique collaboration among MSV, several non-academic units at Emory, and three academic departments within Emory College – Interdisciplinary Studies, African American Studies, and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

See more details about the class

See story about it in Women’s News and Narratives

Men Stopping Violence Website

Honoring Prof. Rudolph Byrd

Memorial Service
Thursday, November 10, 2011, 4:00 pm
Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church

October 21, 2011

From Earl Lewis, Emory Provost and Asa Griggs Candler Professor of History and African American Studies

I am saddened to write that this morning our friend and colleague Rudolph Byrd lost his fierce and long battle with cancer. For many of us Rudolph was not only a symbol of dignity, propriety, determination, elegance and stamina, he embodied what it meant to live with purposefulness and grace, even to the very end. As others have said more than once in the last few weeks, Rudolph remained the consummate teacher: he taught us to live and how to die.

Rudolph accepted his appointment to join the Emory faculty in 1991, after appointments at Carleton College and the University of Delaware. During his two-decade long engagement with this university he became an institution builder, a concept he coined and a position he honored daily. He did so first as a scholar, authoring or editing eleven books in the fields of African American Studies, literature, sexuality, and difference. Inside the academy he understood that credit originated from scholarly production and as a result he deeply valued being honored with a Goodrich B. White Professorship. But Rudolph found individual production an incomplete definition of scholarship and institution building. He understood all too well that advances in a field would stagnate if we ignored the next generation. As a result he helped develop and sustain the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program on the Emory campus and beyond. This program was created to produce the next generation of scholars prepared to join the professoriate.

After stints as chair of what became the Department of African American Studies, Rudolph imagined and founded the James Weldon Johnson Institute, which recently was renamed the James Weldon Johnson Institute for Race and Difference. That Institute focuses on the history and enduring legacy of the fight for civil and human rights. Most recently he helped inaugurate a partnership among Emory University, the Center for Civil and Human Rights and CNN, by formulating a community forum program on contemporary civic issues called CNN Dialogues. Through these myriad efforts, Rudolph sought to fuse his abiding belief that universities helped build civil societies by engaging broadly and vigorously. Inside and outside of Emory he pursued institution building.

He was the founding co-chair of the Alice Walker Literary Society with Beverly Guy Sheftall of Spelman College. His several awards and fellowships include the Thomas Jefferson Award from Emory University; the Governor’s Award in the Humanities; the Dick Bathrick Activist Award from Men Stopping Violence of Atlanta, GA; Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship at Harvard University; the Dorothy Danforth Compton Fellowship at Yale University; and Visiting Scholar at the Bellagio Study and Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy.

Details of funeral and memorial services will follow in the next few days. As we await those announcements, we will find occasion to both mourn and celebrate the life that was Rudolph P. Byrd. Both are emotions that honor Rudolph.

See Atlanta Journal-Constitution news story (10/22/11)

Upcoming Concert Choir Honors Saliers


The Emory Concert Choir will hold a special concert on Sunday, October 30th, honoring Don Saliers, Emory’s William R. Cannon Distinguished Professor of Theology and Worship, emeritus. The concert will feature the stunning 1983 Kingston double-manual harpsichord that Don has donated to Emory’s Music Department. The concert will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Concert Hall of the Schwartz Center for Performing Arts.

See recent Creativity Conversation with Don & Emily Saliers ’85C & Rosemary Magee

In the news: Emory’s Health 100 course


Emory’s new Health 100 course, a requirement for all freshmen, made news in The Atlanta-Journal Constitution today (AJC, Oct. 10, 2011). According to reporter Laura Diamond:

Several colleges across the country have added programs and requirements in recent years to address students’ physical health and combat the obesity epidemic. But Emory officials have taken a more holistic approach and created a course based on the research they’ve conducted on predictive health, which stresses maintaining good health and preventing disease as opposed to just curing illnesses people already have.

Read full article


“Water Study” dance explores Baker Woodlands

Structured as a tour of a scientific experiment, “Water Study” takes the audience on a journey through the environment of the Baker Woodlands ravine where they encounter a team of scientists–and the subjects of the experiment.

The movement piece, featuring Emory students and members of Beacon Dance, is a site-specific collaborative work created by D. Patton White, Emory dance alumnus and artistic director of Beacon Dance. The project is sponsored in part by a grant from the Emory College Center for Creativity and Arts.

Performances: Sat., Oct. 15 – Wed., Oct. 19 — 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.

Free, reservation required. Call 404-727-5050 to reserve your ticket.

For more information about the site sculpture in Baker Woodlands, “Source Route,” by George Trakas, see an Emory Creativity Conversation between Trakas and Emory VP Rosemary Magee that took place in the ravine.